executive board

Hey! My name is Drake Mclean and I’m currently serving as the president of the Public Relations Student Society of America. I’m a senior here at Colorado State University studying Journalism and Media Communication with a minor in Geology. Over the past few years, I’ve held a variety of leadership positions that helped me navigate complex group dynamics, organize long-term projects, and communicate with students and professionals alike. I’m by no means an expert in these fields, but with the help of our leadership team, I’m confident that we will be able to set a new standard for what it means to be in CSU PRSSA and create a foundation from which our chapter can grow.
[email protected]
Hey! My name is Drake Mclean and I’m currently serving as the president of the Public Relations Student Society of America. I’m a senior here at Colorado State University studying Journalism and Media Communication with a minor in Geology. Over the past few years, I’ve held a variety of leadership positions that helped me navigate complex group dynamics, organize long-term projects, and communicate with students and professionals alike. I’m by no means an expert in these fields, but with the help of our leadership team, I’m confident that we will be able to set a new standard for what it means to be in CSU PRSSA and create a foundation from which our chapter can grow.
[email protected]
Vice President Lindsea Pattison

Lindsea Pattison is a senior at Colorado State University, majoring in Journalism and Media Communications with a focus in Communication Studies. She is passionate about writing, film, communications, production, non-profits and her creative mind set. She can easily step in someone else shoes by seeing their perspective, an easy-going people person, creative thinker and story teller. In 10 years from now she can see herself working for a non-profit PR company and is described by her friends as a Peacemaker. In her free time, she loves going on hikes, skiing, playing tennis or reading a book in a coffee shop.
[email protected]
Social MEdia/PR Coordinator Samantha David

Samantha is a Senior at CSU majoring in Journalism and Media Communications and minoring in International Development. She loves to travel the world and is hoping to join the Peace Corps after she graduates next May. One of her best experiences in college was studying abroad in Prague, Czech Republic and interning at a media consulting firm while she was there. Samantha hopes to work in the Public Relations industry one day specifically in non-profit PR or fashion PR.
[email protected]
Treasurer Rebecca eisele

Rebecca Eisele is a Senior at Colorado State University studying Journalism and Media Communications and minoring in Business Administration. She recently joined PRSSA as the clubs Financial Officer. Aside from her involvement in PRSSA, Rebecca spends her time dabbling in photography, hitting the tennis courts when she has the time, being as involved as she can in anything that catches her interest, and most of all, being involved with working or being around others. She hopes to find herself working alongside and with others in a field that is PR or Marketing oriented down the road.
[email protected]
Secretary Yvette redwood

Yvette is a fifth year at Colorado State University, majoring in Interdisciplinary Liberal Arts with a minor in Business. Outside of PRSSA, Yvette works for RamEvents, the programming broad at CSU, as the Black African American Cultural Center Liaison. She also plans to be an intern for a commissioner candidate and enjoys volunteering at her church. Yvette has yet to pick an area of PR to go into, but she would love to travel for work. Fun fact, it is on Yvette’s buckle list to travel to every state in the United States...so far she is at 15.
[email protected]